
How-to, tips, tricks and more hands-on advice for working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) from

The Power of AWS Object Store

On using Amazon S3 to wrangle complex and constantly changing datasets.

Do You Have a Handle on Your AWS Costs?

Just like with your credit card issuer, there can be "hidden" fees with AWS that you don't know about until you get the bill.

The Business of Doing Business with AWS

Establishing a Business Associate Agreement with AWS can be a months-long ordeal that requires organizations to take every aspect of their IT environments into consideration. Here are some suggestions to streamline the process.

The UPS of Data

How to choose the right data-delivery method for the right kind of data, and designing the cloud infrastructure to make that happen.

Using Cloud (and AWS) in a Reluctant Industry

Cloud isn't a cure-all for IT departments in the health care industry, but it definitely needs to be in the conversation.

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