
The latest Amazon Web Services news articles from

Fugue Centralizes Cloud Infrastructure Management

Fugue enhanced its cloud infrastructure management platform, providing control reach that spans multiple Amazon Web Services accounts.

AWS Hires 'Father of Java' James Gosling

In a hiring coup, Amazon Web Services this week welcomed James Gosling to its ranks as a Distinguished Engineer.

GitHub Enterprise Gets AWS Quick Start

GitHub Enterprise is now available on the Amazon Web Services cloud as an AWS Quick Start, a ready-made packaging of resources designed to easily deploy specific workloads.

SAP Enlists AWS in Multicloud Move

Business software giant SAP is retrofitting its flagship cloud platform to interoperate with other major public clouds, starting with Amazon Web Services.

Veeam Partners with N2W Software for AWS Availability Solution

At its annual conference, Veeam Software announced a new availability solution for the Amazon Web Services cloud, developed in partnership with N2W Software.

AWS Ally VMware Inks Cloud Partnership with Microsoft

Seven months after announcing a deal to integrate its infrastructure with Amazon Web Services, VMware this week entered into another deal with AWS' biggest cloud rival, Microsoft.

Amazon S3 Console Now Generally Available

Amazon Web Services said its new console for managing Amazon S3 object storage resources is now generally available, following an opt-in trial of the tool.

Report: Microsoft Chasing Cloud Leader AWS with 93 Percent Growth Rate

The latest quarterly research report from Canalys shows Amazon Web Services is still the market-leading cloud provider, but Microsoft's Azure is coming on strong with a 93 percent growth rate.

AWS Expands Data Warehouse Schema Conversion Tool

Amazon Web Services has been continually upgrading its tools for converting database and data warehouse schemas and extracting/importing the housed data into AWS target data sources, yesterday announcing new SQL Server functionality.

Microsoft Challenges AWS with Azure Database Services

Microsoft announced a raft of new cloud-based database offerings at this week's Build developer conference, pitting them directly against similar solutions from Amazon Web Services.

SIOS Provides High Availability SQL Server Clusters on AWS

SIOS Technology Corp. has launched services for simplifying and accelerating the deployment of high availability SQL Server clusters in the Amazon Web Services cloud.

AWS, Ionic Team Up on Mobile Back-End Starter Project

Amazon Web Services Inc. and Ionic have teamed up to provide a starter mobile app on GitHub that uses a pre-configured AWS Mobile Hub project to provide back-end services.

Kinetica GPU-Accelerated Database Runs on GPU-Powered Amazon EC2 Instances

Kinetica's GPU-accelerated database is now available on Amazon EC2 P2 instances, which AWS describes as "the largest GPU-powered virtual machines in the cloud."

Confluent Cloud Bringing Apache Kafka-as-a-Service to AWS

"Why? Because running distributed systems in the cloud on your own is really, really hard."

Amazon QuickSight Gets Presto, Apache Spark Connectors for Big Data Visualization

Amazon Web Services beefed up its Big Data visualization capabilities with the addition of two new connectors -- for Presto and Apache Spark -- to its Amazon QuickSight business analytics service.

AWS Slashes EC2 Instance Prices Up to 21 Percent

Amazon Web Services on Wednesday announced its 61st round of price cuts, lowering the cost of some EC2 Reserved Instances by a fifth of their original price.

Research: Enterprise Spending Shifting to Cloud

451 Research is out with a new report examining IT budget trends, finding that spending on cloud services and managed hosting is increasing faster than enterprise spending overall -- with Microsoft Azure and AWS the primary benefactors.

AWS to Integrate with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Red Hat and Amazon Web Services today announced a partnership that will integrate AWS services with the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

'Vast Majority' of Enterprise Workloads Still On-Premises, Report Says

Shortly after DatacenterDynamics asked the question, "When Will Cloud Kill In-House Facilities," the answer seems to be "not for a while," judging by a new report that says "the vast majority of enterprise IT workloads are hosted in enterprise-owned and colocation datacenters."

Rubrik Now Provides Data Protection for Cloud Apps

Rubrik has updated its portfolio of services to provide data protection for apps running in the Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure clouds.

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