
Amazon's 3-D Developer Platform, Sumerian, Exits Preview

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is making it easier for developers to dip their toes in 3-D modeling.

Sumerian, which was first introduced as a preview product at last November's AWS re:Invent conference, became generally available this week.

AWS designed Sumerian as a managed, browser-based workspace for developers to design 3-D environments for virtual- and augmented-reality applications.

AWS claims that developers don't need extensive knowledge of 3-D design (including lighting, animation or programming) to work with Sumerian. The platform comes with pre-built 3-D objects, backgrounds and characters (which AWS calls "Sumerian Hosts"), or users can choose to import their own 3-D assets.

Developers can customize these 3-D objects using Sumerian's visual scripting tool. For instance, they can modify a host's gender, appearance or speech, as well as set rules for how a host or object behaves in response to user actions.

Sumerian integrates with other AWS services, including DynamoDB, Lambda, Polly and Lex. Scenes created in Sumerian can work across multiple platforms and devices, according to AWS: "Scenes can be viewed on compatible VR headsets (HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, and Oculus Rift), AR compatible iOS and Android mobile devices, laptops, and digital signage."

Finished Sumerian projects are also compatible with browsers that support the WebGL and WebVR JavaScript APIs.

More information on Sumerian, including pricing and availability by AWS region, is available here.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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