
The latest Amazon Web Services news articles from

U.S. Feds Expose Internet Surveillance Data on Amazon S3

Reports of two separate Amazon S3 data leaks emerged late this week, including the exposure of a massive archive of social media posts scraped from the Internet by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

AWS Lets Users Add Extra Storage to Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail block storage is now generally available, allowing users of Amazon Web Services' virtual private server solution to bolt on additional storage as needed.

AWS Adds 5 More Sizes to X1e Instance Family

Amazon Web Services is giving its largest Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance five smaller siblings.

Most Cloud Migrations Miss the Mark on Budgets, Scheduling

Over half of cloud migration projects finish behind schedule and over budget, according to a newly published report by Velostrata.

AWS Sells Part of Its China Infrastructure to Partner

To comply with China's increasingly stringent data security laws, Amazon Web Services this week confirmed its intent to sell portions of its cloud infrastructure in that country to regional partner Beijing Sinnet Technology.

AWS Launches PrivateLink To Wall Off VPC Traffic

A new Amazon Web Services offering ensures that its Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) users can connect safely to other AWS services without going through the public Internet.

Kroger Joins Retail Giants in Snubbing AWS

As's e-commerce business continues to expand, its massive Amazon Web Services cloud business is feeling the brunt of its rivalry with other retail giants.

AWS Adds More Flexibility to Convertible Reserved Instances

Amazon Web Services this week announced more options for its Convertible Reserved Instances, which it launched last year as a flexible, cost-saving alternative to its regular Reserved Instances.

Backed by New Hypervisor, AWS Launches C5 Compute-Intensive Instances

After at least a year in development, the new C5 instance family for compute-heavy workloads is now generally available from Amazon Web Services.

Druva To Extend Its Data Management Platform to AWS with 'Apollo'

Druva, a provider of data management and protection solutions for the cloud, this week said it is adding support for Amazon Web Services to its flagship cloud platform.

AWS Buckles Down on S3 Security with Encryption, Access Improvements

A critical spotlight has been trained on the Amazon S3 storage service in recent months over a rash of high-profile data exposures caused by misconfigured security and accessibility settings.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Comes to AWS Quick Start

Amazon Web Services this month added the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform to its library of Quick Start deployment solutions.

AWS Slashes Pricing for AppStream 2.0 Educational Users

Educational institutions can now run Amazon Web Services' desktop application streaming solution at a steeply discounted rate.

AWS Shield Gets More Comprehensive DDoS Monitoring

Amazon Web Services is giving users of its Shield security product more visibility into distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks across its platform.

Microsoft and Google Surge in Cloud, But They Still Can't Catch AWS

Despite its rivals clocking huge growth rates in their latest quarterly reports, Amazon Web Services still maintains a formidable lead in the overall cloud infrastructure services market.

AT&T, AWS Boost Cloud Security for Business Users

Amazon Web Services and communications giant AT&T this week announced a set of solutions aimed at improving cloud security for their joint business customers.

Thales Offers SaaS-Based Key Management Across AWS, Azure

Cybersecurity firm Thales last week took the wraps off a service to help organizations juggle their security keys in multicloud environments.

With P3 Instances, AWS Pushes Bounds of GPU Computing

Just over a month after launching its highest-capacity EC2 instance, Amazon Web Services last week hit another milestone with the debut of its latest GPU-optimized instance family, the P3.

Google-Cisco Hybrid Cloud Play To Challenge AWS, Azure

A new hybrid cloud partnership with Cisco is putting Google in the direct path of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft.

Chaos Sumo Launches Data Management Service for Amazon S3

Four months after receiving $1 million in seed funding, Medford, Mass.-based startup Chaos Sumo is hitting the market with its flagship offering, a "smart object storage" service for Amazon S3.

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