
Big Switch Networks Brings AWS-Like Cloud Networking Services to On-Premises

An off-hand remark from a customer resulted in new offerings from Big Switch Networks, which is taking AWS-like networking features to on-premises enterprise clouds, along with brand-new in-cloud products.

The software-defined networking (SDN) specialist, in claiming to be the first in the industry to offer AWS networking features to on-premises enterprise cloud implementations, traced the origins of its new Cloud-First Networking (CFN) portfolio to a customer's observation.

"An architect at one of our customers made a passing comment -- 'I chose Big Switch because it was the closest we could get to Amazon networking on-premises' -- and it went viral," said Kyle Forster, founder of Big Switch. "He kicked off our journey to Cloud-First Networking. It just clicked ... this is what we have to do. It is an exciting time to be in networking.”

The company contrasted its software-centric approach to addressing hybrid cloud networking design challenges to that of hardware-centric approaches that start with adapting legacy on-premises products for use in public cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft's Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Its on-premises solutions include Big Cloud Fabric - Enterprise Cloud (BCF-EC) and Big Monitoring Fabric - Enterprise Cloud (BMF-EC), whose public cloud networking and monitoring features supporting on-premises workloads are being updated in the next software release.

Along with those updates, Big Switch announced two new public cloud products: Big Cloud Fabric - Public Cloud (BCF-PC) and Big Monitoring Fabric - Public Cloud (BMF-PC) for corresponding in-cloud deployments.

Another new offering is Multi-Cloud Director, described as a system for consistent hybrid design across on-premises sites, across cloud platforms and across on-premises/in-cloud combinations of networking and monitoring fabrics.

"Specifically, CFN starts with Enterprise VPCs, an on-prem version of the key feature of public cloud networks implemented by Amazon (VPCs), Azure (vNets) and Google Cloud Platform (VPCs)," the company said in a statement earlier this month. "VPCs bring as-a-Service operations to networking in-cloud and now on-prem. With VPCs everywhere, coupled with automation everywhere and flow-analytics everywhere, CFN is eliminating the on-prem/in-cloud networking inconsistencies that have been a key impediment to seamless hybrid cloud adoption."

BMF-EC with flow and packet visibility is generally available now, with GA expected for the other products in Q3 and Q4 of this year.

More information is provided in overviews for Multi-Cloud Director, Big Cloud Fabric-Public Cloud, Big Monitoring Fabric-Public Cloud, Big Cloud Fabric-Enterprise Cloud and Big Monitoring Fabric-Enterprise Cloud.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.


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