
Robin Systems Puts Free Community, Developer Big Data Wares on AWS

Robin Systems Inc. has launched free community and developer editions of its Big Data and database "as-a-service" wares on the Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) cloud.

Those Big Data-as-a-Service (BDaaS) and Database-as-a-Service (DaaS) offerings come with the Robin Cloud Platform, which leverages container technology and container-aware software-defined storage to pool commodity hardware in order to create versatile compute and storage resources.

The company claims its approach frees applications from the need for servers, virtual machines and storage boundaries, thus allowing them to work across different machines and clouds.

"What the company has done is develop a way to use containers to encapsulate and deliver applications and application components in a way that offers greater-than-in-a-VM performance, great application agility and a dashboard that provide a great deal of granular information about the application's execution," Dan Kusnetsky said in an article in sister publication Virtualization and Cloud Review Magazine.

The company has now put its developer and community editions of the Robin Cloud Platform on the AWS cloud, with functionality limited from the flagship enterprise edition.

Here's how Robin Systems describes the two AWS-hosted editions:

  • Developer edition is ideal for developers looking to get started with RCP and experimenting with container-based stateful apps in the cloud. Available for deployment on AWS with one node, Robin DE provides an easy way to run stateful applications with separated compute and storage. Deploy the first application with a single-click and spin up clusters within minutes. Deploy Cassandra, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, ELK, MySQL, or bring your own app (except Oracle, Hadoop (Cloudera, Hortonworks).
  • Community edition is ideal for small DevOps teams looking to get started with RCP and experimenting with container-based apps. Available for deployment on AWS with up to five nodes, Robin CE is ideal for deploying small dev/test distributed apps. Robin CE is optimized to give you a seamless experience and comes with all RCP features enabling cost savings with decoupled compute and storage with guaranteed performance. Deploy everything in Developer Edition plus Hadoop (Cloudera and Hortonworks) (Oracle excluded).

"By making the Community and Developer Editions of RCP available, Robin Systems extends self-service, high availability and elasticity to a broader base of users and deployments," the company quoted Jay Lyman, principal analyst at 451 Research, as saying. "These new editions may also help organizations to address the challenges of Big Data technologies and applications, increasing the ability to aggregate compute and storage resources across nodes."

While the developer and community editions of the platform are free, normal AWS usage costs apply.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.


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