
Tool Tracks Usage, Costs for AWS and Other Hybrid Clouds

Hybrid cloud analytics company Cloud Cruiser today announced a new tool that gathers usage and cost metrics, serving up analytics from Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) and other clouds.

"CloudSmart-Now is a set of out-of-the-box, pre-configured templates with built-in workflow to collect detailed usage and cost data from (AWS, Azure, Windows Azure Pack (WAP), VMware and OpenStack," the company said. "This robust solution has been designed and built from the ground up to specifically measure usage by user and costs across the broadest set of hybrid clouds today."

The company said the product provides enterprises with real-time reports that can help spot waste of IT resources, compare costs and forecast future demand.

The product features pre-configured collectors and built-in data mapping business structures, along with report templates and an automated workflow letting enterprises easily distribute reports to business users.

Cloud Cruiser said the tool lets organizations identify department and individual users, discovering who incurs the greatest cloud costs, with demand-side views of who is using what services and supply-side view that compliments the department breakdown.

"Hybrid cloud is simply a reality for most businesses," exec Fraser McKay said in a statement. "The single biggest area of improvement continues to be around efficiencies and reducing costs. We love the promise of low-cost cloud, but it's not unlimited and unless you track and measure, sprawl and anarchy quickly creep in. We directly address this problem with a single solution to manage all hybrid cloud environments. You can't manage what you can't measure, and we've done the heavy lifting with this new packaged offering."

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.


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