
AWS Expands Data Warehouse Schema Conversion Tool

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) has been continually upgrading its tools for converting database and data warehouse schemas and extracting/importing the housed data into AWS target data sources, yesterday announcing new SQL Server functionality.

As part of its AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), AWS offers an AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) that "makes heterogeneous database migrations easy by automatically converting the source database schema and a majority of the custom code, including views, stored procedures, and functions, to a format compatible with the target database."

Since February, AWS has added support for extracting data from Teradata, Oracle, HPE Vertica, Greenplum and IBM Netezza data warehouses into the Amazon Redshift data warehouse. AWS last month announced SCT schema conversion functionality -- not to be confused with extraction -- for SQL Server data warehouses to Amazon Redshift. Yesterday, the company announced SQL Server extraction capabilities.

"Used together, conversion and extraction allow you to do a full export from SQL Server data warehouses into Amazon Redshift, a data warehouse designed for the cloud from the ground up," AWS said yesterday.

Coincidentally, Microsoft just the day before announced a limited preview of its own cloud-based Azure Database Migration Service, matching the AWS offering that has been available since October 2015. AWS and Microsoft are widely regarded as the two pre-eminent cloud providers and have been announcing tit-for-tat price cuts and product enhancements.

AWS yesterday also announced its conversion/extraction tooling now includes an enhanced version of its integrated uploader. "You can specify whether to extract the data, extract and upload data to Amazon S3, or extract, upload, and copy directly into Amazon Redshift as part of your data warehouse migration," the company said.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.


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