
AWS Slashes EC2 Prices Again

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) fired another volley in the cloud price wars this week, announcing the latest round of price cuts to its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service.

The price cuts, announced on Tuesday, represent the 51st price reduction for AWS, according to a blog post by spokesperson Jeff Barr.

The affected EC2 instances are:

  • C4 and M4 running Linux: The On-Demand, Reserved and Dedicated host prices of these instances are now 5 percent lower in all AWS regions except for South America.

  • R3 running Linux: The On-Demand, Reserved and Dedicated host prices of these instances are also 5 percent lower in all AWS regions. In addition, On-Demand and Reserved R3 instances running Linux in the AWS GovCloud cost 5 percent less.

"Smaller reductions apply to the same instance types that run Windows, SLES, and RHEL in the regions mentioned," according to Barr.

Tuesday's announcement is the latest in a string of moves by AWS aimed at making cloud costs more manageable. In early December, the company released the AWS Price List API, which gives users access to detailed pricing information on their various AWS services. The API will be updated this month to reflect Tuesday's price cuts, Barr said.

AWS also released its cheapest EC2 instance type -- the T2.nano, designed for low-traffic workloads -- in December.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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