
AWS Releases Its Smallest EC2 Instance Type

Fulfilling its promise at the 2015 re:Invent conference to support very small workloads, Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) on Tuesday announced the availability of its newest burstable EC2 instance type, the T2.nano.

The T2.nano is AWS' least-expensive instance type, costing half as much as the next-smallest type, the T2.micro. On-demand pricing for the T2.nano in the United States costs as little as $0.0065 per hour for Linux and $0.0088 per for Windows. Pre-paying for one year of reserved instances costs even less -- as little as $0.0043 per hour for Linux and $0.0067 per hour for Windows. More pricing information is available here.

Each T2.nano instance supports one virtual CPU, 0.5GiB of memory, and both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. The T2.nano is designed for workloads that require very little processing power, explained AWS spokesperson Jeff Barr in a blog post.

"I expect to see the t2.nano used to host low-traffic websites, run microservices, support dev/test environments, and to be used as cost-effective monitoring vehicles," Barr said. "There are also plenty of ways to use these instances in training and educational settings."

However, Barr said that the T2.nano can easily scale to support more complex or traffic-heavy workloads.

"Over time, you can expand to make use of other AWS services such as S3, Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and AWS CloudFormation. You also have access to T2 instances in other sizes, and to the full range of EC2 instance types," he said.

The T2.nano is currently available in all AWS regions in the United States, as well as the Ireland, Singapore, Tokyo and Brazil regions. Availability for the Frankfurt and Sydney regions will come "soon," according to AWS.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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