
AWS Announces File Cache Service, Other Storage Perks

Amazon Web Services (AWS) took the wraps off several storage-related product updates at its recent Storage Day event, including a hybrid cloud solution called Amazon File Cache.

Set to become generally available later in 2022, Amazon File Cache is a high-speed cache that works with file data stored in multiple sources, whether it's on-premises or in the cloud. Amazon File Cache is a "temporary, high-performance storage location," according to a blog post this week by AWS senior developer advocate Veliswa Boya.

Amazon File Cache "enables you to make dispersed data sets available to file-based applications on AWS with a unified view and at high speeds with sub-millisecond latencies and up to hundreds of GB/s of throughput," Boya wrote. "Amazon File Cache is designed to enable a wide variety of cloud bursting workloads and hybrid workflows, ranging from media rendering and transcoding, to electronic design automation (EDA), to big data analytics."

Other news from the Storage Day event include:

  • The ability, now available, to easily exclude specific volumes when using Amazon EBS Snapshots. "Now, you can choose specific volumes you want to exclude in the create-snapshots process using a single API call or by using the Amazon EC2 console, resulting in significant cost savings," Bota wrote.
  • Support for the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) protocol in the AWS Transfer Family service, putting it in line with security regulations in the financial, health care, life sciences, retail and insurance industries. Boya described the Transfer Family service as a way to "seamlessly migrate, automate, and monitor your file transfer workflows into and out of Amazon S3 and Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) using the SFTP, FTPS, and FTP protocols."
  • The launch of the AWS Transfer Family Delivery Program for partners that "deliver cloud-native Managed File Transfer (MFT) and business-to-business (B2B) file exchange solutions using AWS Transfer Family."
  • Five more storage learning badges.

The 2022 Storage Day event, which was live-streamed on Twitch on Aug. 10, is available to view on-demand here.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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