AWS Step-by-Step

Curb VM Sprawl by Putting AWS Tags to Work

One of the most effective ways to prevent sprawl is to keep track of who created each VM, when and why. In AWS, you can apply this information to each VM instance using tags.

Preparing the AWS Command Line for a Windows Environment

The method for installing and preparing AWS CLI varies from one operating system to another. Here's how to deploy it for Windows.

Creating and Logging In to a Windows VM in AWS

Don't be fooled. While it sounds rudimentary, the process of deploying an Amazon EC2 virtual machine can be disorienting if you're coming from a native Windows Server environment.

Monitoring the Status of Your Amazon EC2 Instances

While automatic status checks are default in AWS, the actions to take in response to failed status checks are not. Fix this problem by creating a "status check alarm."

Load Balancing a Web Application in Amazon EC2

Workload scaling and load balancing are core functions of Amazon's flagship cloud service. Brien walks you through the process of creating and configuring a load balancer in AWS.

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