
AWS-Thinkbox Deal Yields Fruit with Deadline 10 Preview

Amazon Web Services (AWS) on Thursday announced the public preview of Deadline 10, the next version of a render management platform developed by Thinkbox Software, which AWS acquired earlier this year.

Based in Winnipeg, Canada, Thinkbox specializes in high-performance computing solutions for rendering and visual effects jobs. AWS acquired the 7-year-old company back in March for an undisclosed amount.

Deadline is Thinkbox's compute management solution that's designed to help users juggle the various cloud-based and on-premises resources they use for rendering projects, which are typically very compute-intensive and distributed.

Version 10 of the product, which is now available to preview with sign-up here, features deeper integration with AWS.

"Enabling simple and secure expansion of on-prem render farms, Deadline 10 natively integrates with AWS via customers' existing AWS accounts," AWS said in its announcement. "It automatically connects to customers' on-prem farms, tags AWS instances for tracking and synchronizes with local asset servers automatically to ensure all appropriate files have been transferred before rendering begins."

Also included in the preview are new licensing options. "With flexible third-party licensing options, Deadline 10 customers using AWS resources can purchase software licenses from the Thinkbox marketplace, deploy existing licenses or leverage a combination of the two," AWS said.

A third new feature is the ability to securely connect on-premises render farms to the cloud via a remote connection server, resulting in speedier data transfers.

More information on the Deadline 10 public preview is available here.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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