
AWS Adds Another SAP-Optimized EC2 Instance

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) has introduced another X1 instance size to its family of SAP HANA-optimized Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances.

The x1.16xlarge, announced Monday, is the smaller of the two X1 instances. With 976 GiB of memory and support for up to 64 virtual CPUs, this instance is half the size of the x1.32xlarge, which AWS launched in May.

Other specs include: 5 Gbps of dedicated Elastic Block Storage (EBS) bandwidth, 1,920 GB of solid-state drive storage, and a network bandwidth of 10 Gbps.

The x1.16xlarge runs on a pair of Intel Xeon E7 8880 v3 Haswell processors.

Like its larger counterpart, the x1.16xlarge is suited for "running in-memory databases like SAP HANA, big data processing engines like Apache Spark or Presto, and high performance computing (HPC) applications," AWS said in its description.

AWS has also expanded the number of regions that support both X1 instances from seven to 10. Previously, the x1.32xlarge was available out of AWS datacenters in Northern Virginia, Oregon, Ireland, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney.

With Monday's news, both the x1.32xlarge and x1.16xlarge are also able to run out of the Mumbai, Seoul and the AWS GovCloud regions.

About the Author

Gladys Rama (@GladysRama3) is the editorial director of Converge360.


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