
AWS Leads Cloud Vendors in Analyst Security Report

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) was the only vendor to be placed in the "leader" category in a recent report by research firm Forrester Research Inc. that measured Public Cloud Service Providers' Security.

"Forrester named AWS as the only Leader in public cloud security," AWS said in promoting the report. "Specifically, the report cites AWS' capabilities in datacenter security, certifications, and network security; as well as excelling in customer satisfaction, security services partnerships, and a large installed base."

Other vendors surveyed in Q4 2014 report included CenturyLink, IBM and Microsoft Azure, which were all asked questions about 15 key security criteria. Forrester noted that other vendors declined to participate, which it attributed to their fear that talking about their security would open them up to more attacks and because not all vendors have confidence in their security controls.

Forrester noted in its report that vendors need to enhance their technology partnerships to address such concerns. "Only one vendor (AWS) in our Forrester Wave had the breadth of security technology partnerships to provide adequate support in their public cloud environment," the research firm said. "Forrester expects that the market will see an increased number of: 1) platform-provided security options and 2) third-party provided security options in the platform vendors' marketplaces."

While "AWS leads the pack," Forrester said, "All of these vendors showed great datacenter security, a nice level of security attestations, and some level of their own professional services to implement security-related projects."

"No vendor is focused on single verticals," Forrester continued. "They all have a mix of financial services, healthcare, government and media clients."

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer at Converge 360.


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