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Download free editorial and vendor papers related to cloud, AWS, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 and other related Amazon services. The information can help IT administrators, architects and developers with deployment, systems management, service, troubleshooting and development within their chosen infrastructures. Also see our Free Webcasts.

Digital Dialogue: New CloudFront Breakthrough… From Log Data to Business Insights in Minutes

Read this Digital Dialogue to find out about a solution that will transform your log data into usable insights in minutes with easy-to-understand dashboards, capabilities to dig deep into data to glean trends, and unlimited data retention.

Become a Disruptor in Your Industry

New technology and business approaches are disrupting industries. Organizations today face fast, ongoing changes in market situations, customer demand, and competitors. To remain successful, they need to digitally transform to deliver and scale high-quality, innovative applications and customer experiences. Hybrid cloud environments can provide the scalability, innovation, and flexibility needed for this transformation. Learn more.

Mastering the Fundamentals of AWS Cost Efficiency

The costs of running your AWS infrastructure can add up quickly if left unchecked. Without the right strategy, companies can wind up leaving a lot of savings on the table. Having worked with some of the biggest AWS spenders in the world, Apptio has identified notable trends in the way successful companies monitor, manage and mitigate their AWS costs. Learn more.

Digital Dialogue: How to Automate Compliance Gaps for Public Cloud

Read this Digital Dialogue to find out what you can do to secure your data in the public cloud including adopting Center for Internet Security (CIS) controls and using automated tools to avoid human error.

Transforming Data Into Information

Data is Cheap. Insights are Invaluable. This eBook delves into the challenges of effectively obtaining critical business insights from your data at scale, and introduces a radical, disruptive approach that could transform your business.

Digital Innovation Through Agile Integration

The ability to integrate APIs from multiple sources is critical to success. New approaches to enterprise integration, backed by flexible, cloud-ready technologies, are necessary. Agile integration, an architectural approach, combines agile methods and practices with technologies for the purpose of rapidly integrating applications and data.

The Path to Cloud-Native Applications

For the majority of organizations, digital business means pivoting to a culture of organizational agility, where the rapid pace of demand can only be satisfied by faster and more flexible development and delivery models. As most organizations do not have the luxury of completely rebuilding their technology foundation or immediately adopting new practices and mindsets, they are embracing gradual yet fundamental shifts in culture, processes, and technology to support greater velocity and agility. Learn 8 steps to guide your journey to cloud-native application development, including Red Hat® customer success stories.

Digital Dialogue: Automating Container Security with AWS and Lacework

Read this Digital Dialogue to find out what you can do to protect your organization’s containers including ensuring consistent security infrastructure visibility, monitoring for breach detection and making sure systems interactions adhere to your security policies.

Digital Dialogue: Reaching the Elasticsearch Wall: When Expanding Log and Event Data Threatens to Topple Your ELK Strategy

Read this Digital Dialogue to learn what organizations can do when they hit the Elasticsearch wall using an advanced technology platform providing fully managed service, unlimited data retention, and no data movement, all on Amazon S3.

How to Select a Modern Data Preparation Solution for Amazon Web Services

Six capabilities your data prep solution needs for AWS