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How Do You Control a Cloud?

The enterprise cloud ecosystem is complex – use these top 5 best practices to holistically optimize your cloud operations, security and compliance.

With Fugue, you define infrastructure in compositions, tailor policies suitable to your environments, and issue commands on Fugue's CLI. The Conductor takes it from there—building, operating, enforcing, and tearing down infrastructure via processes. It provides a concise, accurate view of your application's cloud footprint.

Transitioning large applications to the cloud is daunting. Architecting from scratch in the cloud is equally daunting. That's the truth behind the buzz with cloud and it results from at least two prevailing circumstances. First, it's common to unconsciously architect cloud systems with data center conventions in mind. But, it's cloud resource and integration principles that should govern design. Second, the cloud ecosystem is complex -- with tool, service, and component proliferation that changes frequently and sometimes unpredictably. With cloud, all the pieces are there to help us, but figuring out how to stack, manage, and tune those pieces to automate resilience, manage operations securely, and optimize costs isn't easy.

Cloud best practices that account for these challenges are built into Fugue (https://fugue.co). Five of those practices are examined here, each illustrating Fugue's holistic approach to scaled cloud operations. The next five years likely will see the rise and democratization of centralized control systems for cloud ops. Successful systems will solve for complexity and unpredictability at their core layers of architecture and functionality. The practice of bolting on ad hoc features to meet challenges, instead of blueprinting for them, will face extinction.

Establish Responsible Freedom in the Control Plane

DevOps teams, web developers, and other engineers writing code in an organization need a degree of freedom to think creatively and put the best application possible into production. They may use a variety of provisioning and management tools as they work with AWS resources. They may solve problems utilizing different, "home-grown" options. At the same time, cloud architects, compliance and audit professionals, and CISOs are dealing with an equally important set of concerns. It's counterproductive for these professionals, who are responsible for resilient design, security measures, recovery protocols, compliance policies, and production standards, to micromanage every aspect of engineering work. But, they do need control across the entire system to ensure that actions which risk application disruption, expose vulnerabilities, and result in failed audits never happen.

A CISO, for example, might need to guarantee that all VPCs tie back to the management VPCs and that nobody has SSH open to the world. In a holistic solution, that means having a central, secure cloud control plane where important directives are automatically integrated into operations without burdening individual engineers. Fugue executes this for scaled operations and offers much more visibility and flexibility than a SaaS or a typical PaaS. It gives the frontline engineers provisioning and management in a single, declarative interface so they can focus on improving the app and thinking outside of the box, without violating operational boundaries. The CISO gets automated configuration assurances and compliance in the control plane to intrinsically satisfy architecting and security needs.

Identify and Enforce Infrastructure State Automatically

In this series, Fugue's Conductor checks running infrastructure on a schedule against composition declarations, notices an unapproved change not defined in the composition, and responds by rebuilding the manipulated components.

Knowing the actual state of all infrastructure for running applications, with certainty and in real time, is a big deal. It can eliminate whole sets of problems for SME and larger enterprise deployments. Having this known view of a system's cloud footprint in one place is even more useful. And, having infrastructure state automatically checked and enforced if any resources stray from that view is a defining best practice for bringing control to the cloud.

These practices are built into Fugue's core functionality. The Fugue Conductor, running securely on an instance inside a designated AWS account, with async messaging patterns and no open ports, checks and enforces all infrastructure as part of its routine operation. How? The Conductor continually inspects the state of AWS and writes a representation of that state to a state cache. It compares what's in the state cache with what's in a Fugue composition -- the governing, declarative file for a cloud deployment -- and generates a diff. The Conductor then executes the diff against AWS and updates the state cache. In this manner, unintended or malevolent changes are caught. A scheduler keeps this cycle continuously initiated on a 30 second loop. The Conductor keeps what's actually running in AWS aligned with what's been declared in a Fugue composition. So, the composition serves as a consistent, reliable source of truth because the Conductor automatically honors it. Any configuration drift in running infrastructure self-heals. Any unauthorized manual intervention self-heals. Any alteration of policy parameters outside of Fugue's established, secure pattern self-heals.

Simplify Internal and External Policy Compliance

Thinking in terms of infrastructure-as-code is popular, but how do organizations take advantage of that to bring sanity to large cloud deployments? Put another way, why is coding infrastructure a best practice for controlling cloud? Version control, streamlined testing, and use of repeatable patterns are among the answers. But, another important answer resides in validations. With validations, you can enforce whatever kinds of user-specified business logic or rules your application requires. For example, you may have a HIPAA rule, needed to meet external legal requirements, that states certain EC2 instances must not run on shared tenancy hardware. Or, you may have a rule internal to your organization that says every VPC needs to allow SSH into it from a management host or that the network block for your VPC must be of a particular size. As code expressions in the context of a centralized cloud control system, validations can easily implement external compliance policies and internal ops rules across very large applications. They can be easily replicated across environments.

Fugue ships with some common validations, but also enables organizations to write their own. They are just user-definable functions that inspect a type in Fugue composition code and throw errors if parameters aren't met. They can be imported as a library into a composition with a single statement or loaded directly onto the Conductor for additional security. A built-in compiler provides the error and useful message if a validation is violated. No infrastructure is created until a correction is made and the rules are honored. Client-side validations in Fugue are, in fact, a way of extending error-checking that the compiler already does. With Conductor-side validations, no one can skirt policy by not running the validation locally (forgetting an import statement, etc.) because the Conductor will refuse to run anything that violates policy attached directly to it. The big picture here is that validations make policy-as-code a reality, simplifying compliance and keeping it tied to one source of infrastructure truth that is enforced continuously. Using validations means speed and innovation are not sacrificed for compliance regimes.

Make Team Collaboration Secure

Validation-supported policy impacts what compositions and their subsequent processes can do -- that is, how cloud services can spin up. Secure collaboration embedded in policy, on the other hand, impacts what users can do. So, not only is coding infrastructure a best practice in cloud control, but coding collaboration is a best practice as well.

Using well organized multi-account management together with coded role-based access control makes distributing and enforcing permissions an easy, centralized action. It empowers leadership to map capabilities to the right people in their organization. Team members dealing with the same or different cloud workloads, environments, and technical priorities can act without stepping on each other's toes. It improves system security by managing human intervention in ways that are difficult to bypass on accident or with intention.

Fugue's Multi-Account feature allows you to use a single Team Conductor to manage dozens of AWS accounts, regardless of how resources are instantiated across those accounts. The Role-based Access Control (RBAC) feature allows you to assign roles with varied permissions to the account users by writing straightforward policy in the same declarative language you use for compositions and attaching that policy to your Conductor. These two features are often inextricably linked in practical use. Effective collaboration at scale in the cloud requires account and user controls in place that keep teams performing their responsibilities without risk.

Keep It Simple, Flexible, and Extensible

As complexity grows, chaos tends to grow. In nature, that may well be a sight to behold and a saving grace, but in cloud computing, it's confusing and expensive. Centralized cloud ops should be characterized by simplicity and elegance across its interfaces, meaning you've got: straightforward declarative code that retains the power of functions when needed; programmatic abstractions in that code as opposed to directory sprawl; compiler error messaging that leaves no guesswork and a help-centric CLI that makes rollback automation a trivial job; and, behind-the-scenes component interactions that respect principles of statelessness, idempotency, eventual consistency, asynchronicity, high availability, and graceful failure. All of these principles -- aimed at the kind of simplicity that provides clarity -- have to be architected into a system from the start. Adding tooling on top of a system might provide a short-term fix, but it creates long-term drag.

Because cloud services are constantly changing and new ones are introduced regularly, having a flexible, extensible place in the blueprint of an ops system to handle the new APIs is key. Likewise, an adaptive system that is amenable to any automation workflow and CI/CD toolchain (whether they involve containers, cluster managers, point solutions for provisioning, config management, monitoring, etc.) provides another layer of technical flexibility.

Think About Networks and Easy Replication

Let's briefly drill into an area that illustrates the governing problems in cloud that we opened with -- our anachronistic, often unconscious, clinging to data center conventions and our grappling with cloud ecosystem complexity. This area has a massive blast radius if done wrong, if best practices fall by the wayside.


If a team is new to AWS, transitioning or starting from scratch, networking can be a challenge. VPC is a critical, ubiquitous AWS networking service. If you make mistakes with configuration for a single, really important virtual machine, you've still only messed up that virtual machine. If you mess up networking, you can bring an entire application down. VPC is an area where Amazon both created new conventions and expanded the use of commonly understood terms, perhaps understandably because cloud services aren't bound to the data center world. Nevertheless, those facts create confusion for those who are thinking about laying out subnets the way you do in an on-premise data center or managing security. In a data center, you're under constraints regarding subnets that don't exist in AWS and that can result in VPC subnets being configured in a suboptimal way. Similarly, there's a number of constructs in VPC, like Security Groups, that sort of map to a real world analogue, but not exactly. This leaves people to make wrong assumptions around them.

In Fugue, best AWS networking practices are baked into network modules and into concise, highly readable code that can serve as a template and start off the Fugue composition for your application. Find the `FugueInk.lw` file at the Scalable Cloud Ops with Fugue source code page (https://pragprog.com/titles/fugue/source_code) on The Pragmatic Bookshelf publisher's website for the title (https://pragprog.com/book/fugue/scalable-cloud-ops-with-fugue). In a few, short blocks of code, you see how complex networking in the cloud (with route tables, Internet Gateways, subnets, and other resources) can be abstracted into concise, readable, reliable, programmatic abstractions. For further examples, take a look at the Fugue networking docs (https://docs.fugue.co/fugue-by-example-build-network.html). The usefulness of this approach becomes apparent when executing networks manually or with other approaches.

It's also worth noting that, if you're one engineer managing your scope of work, you can basically keep it all in your head. But, if you're working with a team, being able to have your infrastructure-as-code in a centralized code repository that people can look at, that you can use for code reviews, that you can run through a CM process becomes inescapably important when you're working with services like networking. Networking tends to be a shared resource. Even if everyone's managing virtual machines in their own ways, having a central place of truth and trust for the shared resource is critical.

Use a System That Knows the Future Is Unpredictable

Many prescient technologists talk about what's coming or probably coming in a year, five years, ten, and that wisdom is invaluable. But the devil is frequently in the details. And the only certainty is that we can't predict those details. So, to control a cloud from stem to stern means building or using a system that's highly adaptive: almost any circumstance can be accounted for when infrastructure and collaboration are code and when the machine, not humans, is responsible for constantly aligning actual state with a declared definition of your cloud.

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