The Top 7 Emerging Multicloud Trends You Need to Know

Date: Friday, October 20 at 9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET

For cloud providers the key word is “competition.” As more customers realize the opportunity created by having the ability to use all of the big hyperscaler clouds as well as select smaller ones, it’s clear their key word is “choice.” Best-of-breed service has combined with best price to create tremendous advantage for cloud users seeking to optimize their compute capabilities. Network managers recognize that the emergence of advances such as citizen developers, containerized applications, and generative AI demand they become much “lighter on their feet” leveraging choice to optimize their multi-cloud environments. With recent reports projecting that 84% of midmarket to large companies will have a multi-cloud strategy in place by the end of this year, the time is now to track what’s happening in the burgeoning multi-cloud marketplace.

In this session, Senior Resultant Howard M. Cohen discusses the emerging advances in the multi-cloud market and how companies can best put them to work.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET
The Top 7 Emerging Multicloud Trends You Need To Know

10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET
Top Third-Party Solutions

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About the presenter:

Howard M. Cohen, Sr. Resultant, The TechChannel Partners’ Results Group

He is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry who today writes for and about the IT channel. He’s a frequent speaker at IT industry events that include Microsoft Inspire, Citrix Synergy/Summit, ConnectWise IT Nation, ChannelPro Forums, Cloud Partners Summit, MicroCorp One-On-One, and CompTIA ChannelCon, frequently hosts and presents webinars for many vendors and publications.

Duration: 1 hour

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